A closer truth to ‘The Metaverse’

 The term “The Metaverse” is combination of word ‘meta’ and ‘Universe’. Let’s start with Meta. This implies being surrounded by other things and changing away from them. Metaverse is not a revolution. The awareness of this innovation implies the union of many primary and prior technological changes.

The material world is a hologram generated by the computing power of its events. On Earth, this is perceived as the speed of light. A black hole is a point in time where everything is connected, resulting in a distortion of space that creates a vortex or attraction field. Time itself is compressed into an immaterial field at the heart of the black hole. The future, like the past and present, exists simultaneously inside this point in space-time where all thoughts become real through thought and action - they have no boundaries or limits because they are here before us now!

We are all connected. We are part of the same thing, we are all part of the same consciousness and we are all a part of this universe.

The cells that make up your body were created from dust from space billions of years ago and they will die someday when you do (and then go back into space). You may think that this is confusing but it's not! We're just like our livesmeaning! They've evolved through natural selection so that they could survive in their environment; like us humans who have evolved over thousands upon thousands upon thousands (and trillions) years.

The energy of black hole

A black hole is a point in time where everything is connected, resulting in a distortion of space that creates a vortex or attraction field. Black holes are the result of the collapse of stars and supernovas, which can be billions of times more massive than our sun.

Black holes have an incredibly strong gravitational pull—so strong that not even light can escape its pull. But there's more to this mysterious object than meets the eye: they also have an event horizon (the point at which you won't be able to escape their gravitational pull).

You are not alone. We are all part of the universe, and we are all connected to everything else in it. Our thoughts and feelings make up much of what makes us who we are, but they also correlate with the lives of those around us—even if they don’t know that they share such similar experiences with you. The same goes for our actions: what we do affects other people in some way or another, whether it is directly or indirectly through their interactions with others.


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